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We asked our homie Solo of the ASC Crew,  if he could help us create our new store flyer. We wanted to “Boondocks-asize” ourselves and boy ohh boy did he deliver. This is way way doper than what I imagined, if your not up on him he’s the creator of the Weekly Comic “On The Daily”….Solo your the mothacluckin man homey…..real talk super dope. Click after the jump for the backside of flyer designed by @mrBEasy , he did the logoflips as well. If you get one of these in the streets make sure to bring it back to the store for a 10% discount. For more joints from SOLO, peep and .

Left to Right Matt Boy White, Manny Muscles, Mr.Rogers, B Easy, Arty McFly

We are also wearing previews to whats coming very soon.

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  1. how you do this??? wat program and wat type of computer???

  2. Serena

    I love that they got the new skinny B.Easy 🙂 SUPER DOPE!

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