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jugrnaut restaurant review (jrr) – rick bayless topolobampo

I few months ago I got to check out Rick Bayless’s Topolobampo Downtown Chicago.  I will make sure to post these reviews much earlier, the menu has probably changed but if its anything like what I experienced before then you have to check out.  The food is so delicious full of flavor and saucy.  Every dish was balanced perfectly, I almost want to order double of the dishes. If your ever there for lunch time they have a really dope 3 course meal menu, for $25 you get to choose three items a starter, main course, and desert and your meal is guaranteed to be completed within 60min.  The perfect lunch hour.  Check out the pictures I took from my visit and make sure you go check out Topolobampo as soon as you get a chance.


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One Comment

  1. reat post. Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge! It’s g봉화출장샵reat to see that some people still put in the effort to manage their websites. I will definitely be back soon.

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